Working out during the holidays it is one of the hardest things to do. From the moment we see Halloween decorations, it seems like everyone it is in a hurry to get to Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Each celebration, brings cookie decoration, big dinners and obviously tons of desserts. It seems like everyone it is determined to not let us work out during the holidays. And for those who live areas where winter it is harsh, waking up early or staying up later, seems like a huge undertaking. However, working out during the holidays, it is doable and it should not feel like a huge challenge. Here are some tips to stay motivated.
5 Tips To Stay Motivated
It is undeniable that even if we are not big into celebrating the holidays, our friends and family will make sure we end up with last minute family obligations, trips and last-minute shopping. We know that around the holidays, the days fly faster than usual, and trying to keep up with our regular routines, seems near impossible at times. The key to be able to balance the stress that the holidays bring, it is to realize that we are going to have to split some of the time that we usually dedicate to working out. Here are some simple tips, to keep fitness on track and help with your sanity:
- Keep the right mindset
- Make a schedule
- Work out with a partner
- Do short HIIT workouts
- Try group fitness
Fight The Excuses
Most people believe that a good workout must be long and exhausting. We are sold on the idea or the advertising that shows athletes working out for hours and feeling the excruciating muscle pain, that will mean their efforts paid off. You need to start fighting the excuses, you can accomplish a lot by just having a good 30-minute session at home. Maybe invest on some light equipment to increase the intensity? Like a rowing machine, a treadmill or a simple device to make your bicycle a stationary one? Any type of workout it is better than no workout at all.
Make It Doable & Fun
If your regular routine entitles a long amount of time at the gym, try switching the routine and make it part of a family activity. Another way, it is to schedule a visit to your local gym, if you regularly work out at home. Lex Ave it is your gym in Mount Kisco, NY. Give us a Call now for more information or to make an appointment.